Information Assurance and Cyber Security
HACC/Penn College Bachelor of Science Degree Articulation Agreement
Level up your future
Thanks to the agreement between Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and Penn College, you can earn your associate's in Computer Information Security at HACC and seamlessly transfer into the bachelor’s in Information Assurance and Cyber Security major at Penn College.
Students transfer to Penn College in pursuit of their bachelor's in Information Assurance and Cyber Security to gain a more in-depth understanding of programming, databases, networking, threat prevention, assessment, and testing. As their knowledge grows, so does their career and advancement opportunities.
Make your move
Students Hired BEFORE Graduation
Increase Your Career Mobility
Specialized Computer Labs
Next steps...
You're on your way to becoming a tomorrow maker.
There are several options for completing your degree, depending on how many and which courses you've taken at HACC. Please see the articulation agreement for more information

Featured Course: IAS312 Network Defense
Learn the ins and outs of network defense, DMZs and Proxy servers, password management, network access control, and more. You'll also study how to minimize attack surface, networking monitoring, traffic analysis, and hardening.
At Penn College, we believe your educational experience should go beyond specialized skills. Real-world ready means taking a broader approach that builds communication skills, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.
Specialization requires in-depth knowledge and high-level proficiency. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.
- Introduction to Programming (CIT160)
- Networking I (EET145)
- Principles of Management (MGT115)
- Programming II (CIT260)
- Networking II (EET247)
- Introduction to UNIX/Linux (CIT240)
- Introduction to Database (CIT180)
- Directed Information Assurance & Cyber Security Elective (BCS)
- Fundamentals of Information Security (CIT230)
- Secure Database Development (CIT281)
- Science Elective with lab (SCL)
- System Analysis I (CIT246)
- Fundamentals of Cryptography (CIT335)
- Network Defense (IAS312)
- Core Historical Perspective (HIP)
- Information Security Tools for Code & Data Analysis (IAS211)
- Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing (IAS311)
- Information Security Policy (IAS411)
- Legal Issues in Information Security Management (LAS350)
- Management of Organizational Behavior (MGT410)
- IAS Awareness, Training & Education (IAS412)
- Contingency Planning (IAS413)
- Secure System Accreditation & Certification (IAS461)
- IAS Seminar I (IAS492A)
- Risk Analyst Capstone (IAS466)
- Information Security Forensics & Incident Response (CIT430)
- Advanced Topics in Information Assurance & Security (IAS490)
- IAS Seminar II (IAS492B)
Perspectives are points of view, offering a variety of ways of understanding, interacting, and influencing the world. Students identify, explain, and utilize the approaches used by academics and professionals to study, analyze, or understand problems, and offer solutions.
- Science Elective (SCI)
- Network Defense (IAS312)
- Core Social Science Perspective (SSP)
- Information Security Tools for Code & Data Analysis (IAS211)
- Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing (IAS311)
- Information Security Policy (IAS411)
- IAS Awareness, Training & Education (IAS412)
- Contingency Planning (IAS413)
- Secure System Accreditation & Certification (IAS461)
- IAS Seminar I (IAS492A)
- Risk Analyst Capstone (IAS466)
- Advanced Topics in Information Assurance & Security (IAS490)
- IAS Seminar II (IAS492B)
- Core Arts Perspective (ARP)
A Fellow Tomorrow Maker

A White Hat
Adam and his colleagues represent the white hats in a dark-hearted expanse where subterfuge, malice and disturbance are constants, and – from his firsthand interaction with those who plow that field – he knows that cybersecurity professionals represent a defense that is as formidable as it is collaborative.