1. Continue to develop and offer professional development workshops and information sessions for faculty and staff. Potential topics include:
    • Design and use of rubrics
    • Design of single-use surveys
    • Assessment forum: open-ended Q&A for faculty
    • Embedded assessment of core curriculum
  2. Function as reviewers of the revised protocol for Program Review, and provide input:
    • Review pilots.
    • Provide suggestions for sharpening the directions and adding examples as appropriate.
    • Assist with preparation of faculty engaging in program review.
  3. Follow through with the review of institutional surveys/data sources:
    • Analyze results of the review conducted by vice presidents and their staffs.
    • Coordinate focus groups of users (e.g., faculty engaged in accreditation self-studies and in program reviews).
    • Complete the comparison/contrast of NSSE 1 and NSSE 2.
  4. Maintain QTA website:
    • Add examples of best practices.
    • Post report on NSSE results.
  5. Develop a comprehensive outcomes assessment plan:
    • Focus on both institutional effectiveness and student learning outcomes.
    • Integrate the results of the Planning Committee study should there be changes in the mission.
    • Aim for a complete publication, including related materials.