College policies and procedures are approved by the Board of Directors or the President and are put in place to ensure that the business of the College is conducted in an orderly and consistent fashion and that the rights of students and employees are protected. Employees and students are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all policies and procedures.

The policies & procedures listed below are accessible to the public.

All Policies & Procedures


Consensual Relationships P 3.02.20 
Employee BenefitsP 3.03.01 
TelecommutingP 3.03.38PR 3.03.38
Performance ImprovementP 3.04.01PR 3.04.01
Children in the WorkplaceP 3.05.14 

Instructional and Student Related

Family Educational Rights/Privacy ActP 4.04PR 4.04
Undergraduate AdmissionsP 4.06PR 4.06
Undergraduate Non-Degree StatusP 4.09PR 4.09
Graduation requirementsP 4.11PR 4.11
Cross-RegistrationP 4.12PR 4.12
Residency ClassificationP 4.18PR 4.18
Dual DegreeP 4.20PR 4.20
Admission of International StudentsP 4.21PR 4.21
Dean's ListP 4.22 
Academic FairnessP 4.23PR 4.23
Withholding Grades, Diplomas and RecordsP 4.24PR 4.24
AttendanceP 4.26PR 4.26
Academic Probation, Suspension, and RenewalP 4.27PR 4.27
Course Repeat LimitsP 4.28PR 4.28
Grade Reports/TranscriptsP 4.29PR 4.29
Academic Preparedness and RemediationP 4.30PR 4.30
Terminations, Drops and WithdrawalsP 4.31PR 4.31
Satisfactory Academic Progress - Financial AidP 4.32 
Undergraduate ReenrollmentP 4.33PR 4.33
Transfer CreditP 4.34PR 4.34
Academic OverloadP 4.35PR 4.35
Change of MajorP 4.36PR 4.36
Grading System/GPAP 4.37PR 4.37
Auditing a CourseP 4.40 
Advanced CreditP 4.41 
Advanced Credit: Competency Assessment PR 4.41.01
Advanced Credit: Credit-by-Exam PR 4.41.02
Advanced Credit: Credit for Work/Life Experience PR 4.41.03
Advanced Credit: Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB)/College Level Examination Program (CLEP) PR 4.41.04
Student ConductP 4.43PR 4.43
Alcoholic Beverages (Student)P 4.44 
Academic DishonestyP 4.45PR 4.45
Academic NepotismP 4.46 
Children and Guests in Educational SettingsP 4.47 
Retention of Graded Materials & Grade BooksP 4.50PR 4.50
Alcohol/Drug Policy: School of Nursing & Health SciencesP 4.51 
First Year Experience (FYE)P 4.52PR 4.52
Course Credit Hour AssignmentP 4.55 
Academic SchedulingP 4.57PR 4.57
Academic Drug & Alcohol ScreeningP 4.58PR 4.58
Nursing & Health Sciences Pre-program Credit LimitsP 4.59PR 4.59
Graduate AdmissionsP 4.61PR 4.61
Graduate ReenrollmentP 4.62PR 4.62
Military Drops, Withdrawals and ReenrollmentP 4.63PR 4.63

Business and Financial Operations

  Policy Procedure
Refunds P 5.23  

General Institution

Alcoholic BeveragesP 7.14 
Copyright PolicyP 7.17PR 7.17
Weapons and Fireworks on CampusP 7.20 
Record Maintenance and RetentionP 7.23 
BullyingP 7.28 
Sexual Misconduct/Sexual HarassmentP 7.30PR 7.30
Harassment and/or Discrimination Based on Protected ClassP 7.31PR 7.31
HazingP 7.32 

Information Technology Policies

Written Information Security ProgramP 8.01 
Information SecurityP 8.02 
Information Technology Resources Acceptable Use PolicyP 8.03 
Data Classification PolicyP 8.04