“The systematic assessment of student learning outcomes is essential to monitoring quality and providing the information that leads to improvement.” (Middle States Standard XIV)

QTA continues its contributions to that end through accomplishments that include:

  • Reviewed results of 2013-14 Core assessments, supporting the recommendation to find a more appropriate test or measurement tool for the information literacy skill level of our student.
  • Increased faculty representation on QTA committee so all six schools have liaison to QTA.
  • Conducted a formal assessment of the current academic assessment processes through multiple focus group meetings of school leaders.  Results included:
    • Data - inconsistent data between schools and ARP. Starting AY 2015-16 new chart will be provided from ARP with key indicators with completed data sets by majors.
    • Time frame- current program review cycle of three years too fast to implement and reassess improved student learning. Program review cycle will be changed to five year cycle starting the Academic year of 2015-16.
    • Feedback - insufficient communication. Beginning AY 2015-16 formal feedback will be provided from Program Review Committee using standard rubric and face to face meetings.
    • Student Learning Outcomes- program review templates not used consistently across schools. Beginning in AY 2015-16 new templates will be utilized to assess course level required student outcomes, program and core goals, and program mapping. Assessment of core goals was embedded into program level assessment.
    • The “Plan & Process” document and manual were underutilized and out-of-date. The Plan & Process underwent major revisions to provide an overview of assessment processes and expectations at the academic and non-academic unit level. The written Plan & Process is accompanied with a user-friendly internal portal site.
  • Reviewed various commercially available products and existing technological systems for potential use as data-gathering mechanisms.
  • Established one day Assessment Academy with focus on course-level assessment. 

View 2014/15 Assessment Report